Our team at Meetings.io have been working hard to improve the software experience to make sure our users (and future ones!) can have meetings that make a difference. After all, we built Meetings.io to make meetings that matter and to have an impact—on your team, business and in the world!
Because of that, we connected with users, brainstormed opportunities, tested multiple ideas, and then some more.
Without further a due, here are the new improvements:
Meeting creation
We’ve simplified the process for creating a meeting. Just add the name and start building your agenda on the spot.

Play and pause your meetings
Started your meeting earlier than intended? Simply pause your meeting while running it rather than concluding it. Great for small pauses while in the meeting 😉
Use agenda’s from other meetings
Now you can use an existing agenda for another meeting. You can do this by creating the meeting, then clicking “Import agenda” within the agenda section. And voilà! You will be able to choose from the existing list of meetings you have.

Agenda section’s purpose outlined
We have broken down what’s the use case for each agenda section, different ways you can use each section and why you should have each section in your meetings.
Other updates:
- External link agenda section: Edit your link in your agenda section rather than deleting the section.
- Create button (plus icon): Now it lives at the top right of the software and you can now create goals and meetings as well.
- Weekly KPI shows the weekly dates for each column
- Make KPIs name and goal sticky when scrolling left/right.
- Run Meeting
- News: details are misplaced when multiple meetings are attached
- Wrap up: Show outstanding to-dos and hide completed ones
- Pinning a KPI frequency (monthly or weekly)
We love to hear from our customers!
If you have any feedback you would like to share, send it our way via this survey.
That is all for now! ✌️
Claudia Mir